American Journal of
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine



Instructions To Authors

Potential Authors

We recommend veterinarians and practitioners interested in submitting an article to AJTCVM review the documents listed at the links below. All information about how to submit articles, guidelines for writing papers, AJTCVM formatting and the approval process are included. Please see the Editorial Board and Contact Information links for any questions and to whom questions should be directed to.

TCVM is reaching more pet owners and animals as we continue our efforts to teach, learn, and share our knowledge with others. We welcome your thoughts, queries, and ideas about articles and research studies. Please contact us at: saikj@watcvm.org

Further reading:

Clinical Trials for Acupuncture and Other Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Treatments
Erin Mayo DVM

2014 Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Blinded Clinical Trials in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Cheryl L Chrisman DVM, MD, EdS, Huisheng Xie DVM, MS, PhD, Aituan Ma PhD, Neal Sivula DVM, PhD, Carolina Medina DVM, Bruce Ferguson DVM, MS
